運命の人たち[People of Destiny]

投稿者: | 2023-06-19







People of Destiny

 I believe that the first priority is to understand myself well. I believe that I am required to know who I am “as I am,” free from preconceptions and prejudices, such as how I think and why I felt the way I did at that time. This is not based on logic, but on my intense curiosity to know myself.
 When I look at the world, I can only see it through the filter of myself, and without knowing the nature of the filter, such as color, shape, clarity, etc., I cannot approach the essence of the world. I may never fully capture it no matter how far I go, but I will continue to search for the real me.

 As such, I feel that my fixation on myself has led me to be distracted by other things and other people. I think this is a very bad phenomenon, and I deeply regret it. It is never enough to be good to oneself in this world. Especially with regard to human beings, I feel that I must contribute more for the sake of those who, for whatever reason, have taken the trouble to be around me. They are “people of destiny” given to me by God.

 As I wrote in this blog the other day, someone said to me a few days ago, “Your way of working is depleted of love. I was shocked and hurt by his words and reacted in a way that made me shut down inside myself. I had no time at all to care about the person who said those words; I was just sad and sunk into a deep depression.
 However, when I cooled down a bit and considered the events that had occurred before and after the incident, I realized that the person was showing signs of manic-depression. He would suddenly turn around and break down in tears, saying, “I’m glad I got to work with you,” or send me an angry e-mail at 4:30 in the morning on the day off, waking me up. It is difficult to pinpoint the cause, but first of all, it was based on the fact that it was a busy time of the year, and it seems that various additional factors were compounding and driving the person into a corner. Although I was working right beside him, I was unable to notice his suffering.

 It is difficult. I was partly to blame for the person’s situation. The fact that I demanded strictly the results of the work definitely pushed the person over the edge. But as far as I was concerned, it was “work,” so I had no choice but to demand it. Perhaps there was a problem with the way I demanded results, or perhaps the times have changed and such demanding methods are no longer in vogue. I don’t know, but for the life of me, I can’t think that I made a mistake. I can only say that I had to do what I had to do.
 It’s not just about responsibility or work, but I am frustrated by my inability to consider the hearts of my fellow workers. Even though it is good to work hard, I was only concerned about myself and could not care for others. I am a useless person.
 To be honest, I didn’t realize that the person was that sick. What’s done is done, but I want to take every possible step to prevent a tragedy from happening before it becomes serious. This time, I want to be there for him to the best of my ability.

 It was that person whose love had been depleted.

運命の人たち[People of Destiny]」への3件のフィードバック

      1. Pkmundo

        Estaría bien que también te asomes por mi blog. Un cordial saludo.



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