I used to think that anger, hatred, envy, grumbling, and other so-called “bad” feelings were something I should not harbor. No, I still think so. They are feelings that I would keep at a distance if I could. However, even though I am so careful on a daily basis, whenever something happens to me, I am attacked by such negative feelings reflexively. I vowed to myself, “I don’t want to get angry,” but when the heat dies down, I get angry again.
Through such a series of disappointments, in which I vow and then break my vow, and then vow again and then have it shattered, I have come to believe that human beings may be “sinful creatures” like that. At least I cannot control my emotions no matter how hard I try. I was convinced that I, who have bad feelings, was disobeying God’s will.
I make the decisions about what is good and what is bad, or whether not being able to control my emotions is a bad thing. I have not been taught this by anyone, but I make these decisions instinctively on my own. I, a human being who knows nothing about anything, make these decisions on my own.
Are feelings of anger and hatred really “bad” feelings? Am I a bad person for not being able to control my emotions? Can I say from my soul that they are bad?
Here again, my pride seems to be obstructing the expansion of my free thinking. I don’t know if it is the discipline of my parents or the influence of society, but before I know it, I am stuck in the values and rules that have formed in my mind. I can only think about things in accordance with the discipline I have developed. In other words, my pride has taken precedence over the truth. I want to destroy my common sense and build up the truth from the bottom up.
Even “bad” feelings such as anger and hatred are a way of being that God has given me. I can believe now that God provided them to me because I need them. Rather than trying to dismiss them as bad, I want to accept the fact and think about why they are necessary for me. Here, too, prayer that listens to the voice of the heart is required.
If I go out of my way in anger, for example, to lash out or specifically hurt someone, that is a good judgment of “wrongdoing,” which is outrageous. That is something we should not do. However, we must also accept the fact that human beings have an inherent danger of committing such evil acts. Perhaps we have “bad” feelings in order to understand this.
God is with us no matter what our feelings are.