Between Death and Desire
I am not very familiar with any religion other than Christianity. I have a Jodo Shinshu temple where my ancestors’ graves are placed, but I am not interested in what Jodo Shinshu is and have no knowledge of it. I know that there are many other religions in the world, with differences such as monotheism and polytheism, but I honestly do not know much about them.
However, I have the impression that religions of the world, both in the East and the West, seem to have a way of attending to the feelings of people facing death, such as holding grand ceremonies and building magnificent graves to honor those who made great achievements during their lifetime.
When I was young, I did not really feel “death. I felt sad when my grandfather and grandmother died, and I did think about death a little, but it was too far away to think about it in terms of my own death, and I did not even try to think about it realistically. I think it is only natural.
In retrospect, perhaps it was because I was so far away from death that I did not think about life as deeply as I do now. Now that I am an uncle, I think that death is really coming.
I think one of the major themes of life is to live free from the fear of death. After all, I am afraid of dying, and I want to live forever, so I am frightened of death. To be alive is to approach death step by step, but we do not want to live in fear. I believe that many people look to religion for answers to these contradictions and for salvation.
People have their own reasons for engaging in religion, and of course it is not only to escape the fear of death. However, when one realizes the reality that “we will surely die,” which is common to all of us, the feeling of fear and the need to turn to something else may be a rather natural phenomenon. I think it is very possible that the religion’s teachings on death can be a great source of salvation.
I think of the life of Jesus Christ, who was willing to die if it was God’s will. In the desperate situation just before he was killed, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me” (Mark 15:34). I believe that was the way he lived and the way he died.
Thanks to Jesus who died bearing our sins in his body, we are able to live like this. The moment I thought I could believe that, I felt a little better. I felt as if I had escaped the fear of death. But if you ask me if I really believe that now, I can confirm that I am still at a loss for an answer. It seems that I still need more time to be able to offer my life, even though I am in agony.
I want to live, to be active, don’t you?