お墓参りと私[Visiting Graves and Me]

投稿者: | 2023-08-15







Visiting Graves and Me

 As I am trying to become a Christian, I visit the graves of my ancestors every year. Incidentally, my family has a Buddhist Jodo-Shinshu type temple take care of the graves. Although it may not be a very Christian practice, I always visit that temple with my family and offer prayers while thinking of my grandparents and other relatives who have passed away. Although I am not comfortable with the Buddhist teaching that everyone becomes a Buddha after death, I do not think religion has anything to do with the feeling of enduring the deceased. I think it is the same in all countries.

 The high school from which I graduated was a so-called mission school with Christianity as the pillar of its education. Every morning there was a school-wide worship service, and in class there was an hour of “Bible” time per week as a required subject. In addition, in the second and third years, “Bible” was an elective subject, providing an opportunity for those who wanted to study it more deeply.
 When I was a freshman in high school, my homeroom teacher’s father passed away, and I attended the wake as a representative of the students. The wake was held in a Buddhist style, like most families in Japan. My homeroom teacher had a Buddhist altar in her house, so I guessed she was a Jodo Shinshu sect member or something.

 I was puzzled. I myself was used to Buddhist-style wakes, so it was no problem for me, but I wondered what other Christian teachers would do. I was curious to know if they would join their hands to the altar. I don’t remember if they were holding prayer beads or not, but they were doing what they were supposed to do solemnly and without showing off.
 Surprised, I asked the chief religious teacher directly. “Sensei, isn’t it idolatry to put your hands together toward the Buddhist altar?” I asked. The teacher said, “It is more important to be close to those who are in sorrow than to follow the religious customs of your own beliefs. I remember that I was touched and impressed by his generosity and the depth of Christianity.

 What is important to each person is different. What we want to cherish and what we need to cherish may change depending on the situation at that time.
 I think I am the person who think that I am the most important person in the world. That feeling may never change, but I want to make choices that are unique to me from time to time in order to firmly cherish the precious me. I want to decide how to think and act. I want to make my own way without being bound by form or formality. I believe that the teachings of the Bible will support my path.

 Everything is connected.


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