白と黒の罠[Black and White Trap]

投稿者: | 2023-08-30







Black and White Trap

 I think I am not very tolerant, or a small vessel, or I am not good at thinking of things from multiple perspectives. I tend to put my own feelings first. I am easily swayed by emotions, and as an aside, I am probably not the type of person who is suited for so-called business.
 Even if I have been working hard on a project, I tend to give up on it when I see that it is not going the way I want it to go. I seek a definite answer, black and white, zero or one hundred. When I live among people, I know that nothing is 100% as I want it to be, but I cannot control my dissatisfied feelings.

 It is not that I want everything to work the way I want it to. It is not that I always want to be at the top and take on the role of a leader who directs the entire organization. On the contrary, I would rather not have that much responsibility. When several people or groups of people are trying to achieve a goal together, the work to be done by each person is often determined gradually based on a concept. There is a leader, someone who comes up with a plan, an execution team, and so on. As a member of the project team, I am also striving to fulfill my role in the project.
 What I dislike about such activities is when someone tries to forcefully twist the fundamental framework that was discussed and decided upon when the project was launched, as if that promise had never been made. In other words, I feel a strong rejection when someone tries to control the whole thing in a dictatorial manner, instead of me doing what I want. In other words, I cannot tolerate promises that are not kept.

 Perhaps such a pushy person is far more capable than I am. If I want to achieve my goals first, it might be better to ignore my feelings and follow their one-man way of doing things.
 However, I am not very good at thinking in a flexible way that is not bound by such emotions. In fact, I often take the position of “if you can’t keep your word, be my guest. This kind of attitude will only lead to isolation in a group, but that is the kind of person I am.

 I don’t have, for example, the ability to generate a string of great ideas or the captaincy to lead others. Perhaps I am just jealous of those who have such abilities and I just envy them. It is possible that these negative feelings are leading me in the direction of isolating myself from everyone else. Or maybe I have an extreme aversion to being forced to do anything by others.
 In any case, regardless of who is above or below me, in a process involving multiple people, it is almost impossible to make everything black and white. It is still necessary to be considerate of each other, to help each other, and to be considerate of others, and sometimes compromise may be necessary. I am likely to be told that I am failing because I am being so naive, but as someone who tends to isolate myself, I feel that by training my mind in these areas, I will have the opportunity to change myself.

 What’s the right thing to do~?


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