Awesome !
Yesterday, I was watching a certain drama made in the US. It is a drama that I have recently become addicted to, and I watch it almost every day. In it, there was this line.
This world is imperfect. That may be true. But don’t we use that as an excuse, as if it can’t be helped? We blame the imperfect world for everything that goes wrong, whether it is the existence of evil or our own laziness. The world is definitely not perfect, but it is up to us to change it for the better.” I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was something like that.
This drama is what I like to call a “good versus evil” story, in which the righteous side uses their superhuman strength to defeat the bad guys. Many people may have the impression that it is a story that is a bit distant from the themes of life, such as morality and how one should live, because it mainly features violent scenes and flashy special effects.
However, this is the deepest part of American dramas. Along with the intense action, they sometimes include such spiritually inspiring lines and scenes. I think it is amazing. The imagination and quality of the scriptwriters must be outstanding.
I could not admit my imperfection. Maybe I still can’t. But at least I am becoming aware of the importance of trying to face my weakness and my very imperfection.
And then came yesterday’s drama. I think the producers of this drama have ordered me to accept my imperfection and then resist it. You can laugh at me and say, “You’re imagining things again,” but I feel as if God’s voice was conveyed to me through the actors’ lines in the drama.
I don’t think we can just put everything away with that magic word, “It can’t be helped.” It is easier to do nothing, and I think it is less likely to hurt myself. But is that the way to live? We look for and try to do what we can in spite of our imperfections. What a noble act. I believe that there is life in the painful things. If we keep running away from things that are painful and that we dislike, we will never find what we are looking for.
When I write like this, it may sound as if I am trying to achieve a big project on a large scale. But I hope to weave a life without excuses, little by little, starting with the small things that I do every day. I want to be a person who can look forward to life by cutting off the escape route of “We human beings, whom God created, are imperfect creatures anyway, so it’s useless to try our best.
Awesome !