他人は他人[A Stranger is a Stranger]

投稿者: | 2023-12-29







A Stranger is a Stranger

 Since it has been only a short time since I was baptized, I think that if I am going to see any changes in me, it will be from now on. Right now I don’t have a clear sense that “this part has changed,” but somehow I feel that I have become less conscious of criticizing other people’s ideas, like “I want to change this person’s way of thinking” or “that person is wrong.
 I am what I am and others are what they are. It may seem that I have become a cold person when I say that, but it is not so. I no longer want to try to suppress or reconsider another person’s opinion with my power or passion, and I no longer want to make an effort to do so.

 The only way for that person to change, of course, is for him or herself to change. If there is anything I can do to help, I am more than willing to help. However, as long as they are relying on me or someone else, they will not be able to change. No matter how hard I try, nothing will change unless the person in question becomes independent. Support from others sometimes leads to naivete. My efforts may have the opposite effect. It is not good to isolate them, but sometimes it is important to push them away and wait for their spiritual growth. Have I become a bit cold after all?

 I became a Christian. I think one of the missions of Christians is to evangelize. I think one of the missions of a Christian is to evangelize so that more people will know about Christianity. I don’t know about the details of the “customs,” but since I am not a pastor, I probably don’t feel that much responsibility. However, I am experiencing the beauty of life with God right now. I want as many people as possible to feel this joy.
 There are problems with the old Unification Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses these days, and I don’t want people to think that my belief in God and those who belong to them are the same, but to those who are not familiar with Christianity, they may be the same in the same “Christianity” category. I will not be discouraged by such a headwind, and I will try to make people around me know a little bit more about Christianity by telling them how I encountered and interacted with Christianity.

 However, as I mentioned earlier, nothing will change or begin to happen unless the people themselves realize or feel it, even if I speak passionately and forcefully. If I cannot feel the inner invitation to change myself, it will be very difficult. Someone’s words or deeds can be a great source of inspiration. In many cases, such things will come from someone who is there for you. But again, we cannot hear God’s voice if we are dependent on such “kind” people. We need to build a one-on-one relationship with God, in other words, cultivate an independent spirit, in order to find the path to Christianity.
 That does not mean I am completely independent. I just barely made it to the starting line last week. But the feeling that is becoming clearer and clearer is that I think it is foolish to try to forcefully move other people’s hearts.

 Passion is important, though.


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