ナンセンスを信じる[Believe in Nonsense.]

投稿者: | 2024-01-21







Believe in Nonsense.

 I would like to focus on the word “believe.” I believe what the Bible says. It is easy to say so with my mouth, but when I think about it, it is truly amazing.
 For example, the earth was not created from a stream of atoms scattered by the Big Bang that came together again, but God created the heavens and the earth. For example, man did not evolve from an ape, but God breathed into him the breath of life through his nose, which he formed from the dust of the earth, and he became a living being. Jesus Christ, a human being, was nailed to a cross, killed, and resurrected three days later. To believe in the Bible is to fully believe in such seemingly unscientific and unprovable stories, such as the many other miraculous events that Jesus performed.

 For those who trust only the facts that have happened before their eyes, belief in the Bible is nothing but nonsense. I can understand that feeling.
 But I have already believed. I believe in God and the Bible. It was not because someone forced me to believe in them, but because I realized that I had already done so. I was baptized because I realized that my heart had been captured by God, but when I think about it again today, I realize that it is a hell of a lot of awesome. I don’t really feel it yet, but my life has changed in more or less the same way.

 I have no desire to deny science. The Bible seems to say things that are at odds with science. Yet, I do not feel any contradiction in my mind, and I am able to believe that what is written in the Bible is true. There are no excuses, no quibbles, nothing. I just have the heart to believe, and that alone is enough to make me feel refreshed.
 Until recently, I was hesitant to believe in the Bible, but now I wonder why I didn’t make the decision sooner. I am a “cash cow” in some ways, but I also believe that people change as they change.

 I have fulfilled one of my goals by becoming a Christian, but I will continue to rethink and reaffirm various things, as I did today, and I will continue to think about it. I will face the themes that come to mind from time to time and search for answers by responding to them as I live at that moment. I think it will be a repetition of this process. I want to do this without fearing the risk of changing my mind.
 In any case, there is still no end station in sight for my journey, and even the direction in which I am headed has not yet been determined. However, there is no doubt that I am sensing a gradual change within myself, and even though I am not set in stone, I somehow know that I am headed in this direction. Of course I want to do my best in life, but I am looking forward to seeing how God will use me rather than my efforts. I want to live one day at a time with sincerity so that I can respond to God’s command at the time when I know my mission from God.

 I don’t have any evidence to support this.


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