“嫌い”の罠[The “dislike” Trap]

投稿者: | 2024-04-15







The “dislike” Trap

 I often advise others, “When you dislike someone, nothing will change unless you change yourself. In other words, you have to push aside your “dislike” of the person and look at him or her from a neutral point of view once again, or treat him or her with curiosity to see if there is a side to him or her that you do not know. By becoming a new person, we have the possibility to build new relationships.
 Of course, not all attempts will work, because there is always someone else to deal with, and things do not always go the way you want them to. However, if you want to reduce the feeling of “dislike” from your heart, I think it is worth a try.

 I can give advice like that to others, but I am one of those people who cannot change easily. I always hit a wall in putting things into practice. In many cases, the less you know about a person, the more you see only one side of them, and if you dislike them at that point, it is normal to try not to associate with them any more. Furthermore, they do not try to get to know the “personality” of the person.
 What if, on the other hand, someone took one action that I did at one time and assumed that it was all there was to who I was as a person? It would be natural to say, “Give me a break. I think the measure of a person’s maturity is whether or not he or she can think about things from such a relative and dispassionate standpoint while being forced by the strong emotion of dislike. I want to mature.

 I have had an unguarded respect for my own mother since I was a child. A mother who would do anything for me. A mother who could do anything. She was a perfect person to me. She never taught me to study, but I remember once she was terribly angry with me when I hit a friend. She said in a very fierce tone, “Who the hell do you think you are? Not because of that, but I respected her without question.
 However, as I entered my thirties, I finally realized that my mother was a very “goofy” or what I would call a “natural” person. Because I was so close to my mother, I had never given any thought to her personality until then. I guess I never saw her as a flesh-and-blood human being. My mother’s presence was firm and unshakable in my mind.
 One day, I remember being truly surprised when I came to realize for the first time a side of my mother’s personality that I had never known. It was as if I had been hit in the back of the head with a blunt instrument. I did not even understand my own mother.

 I didn’t even understand the person who had lived so close to me for more than 30 years, so there was no way I could understand the details of the person I met yesterday and today. If we aim to deal with others from such a perspective, we may not have time to dislike anyone.
 It is not good to make judgments about other people’s human nature based on one’s own assumptions or impressions seen from the outside, and we cannot prevent ourselves from disliking someone, but we should not give up and try to make subsequent attempts. Anyway, I don’t think we should assume that our sensibilities and ideas are right and that we shouldn’t become gods.

 It doesn’t mean I don’t respect her anymore, no.


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