因果応報[Just desserts]

投稿者: | 2022-07-26







Just desserts

 I think it’s great to be smart, get good grades, get into a good school, and get into a good company. There is nothing better than being able to do so. Many people go for that path, and their achievement is spread throughout Japanese society as the highest success. I would have done the same if I could have. But unfortunately I could not, and not all people can go straight down that path. I wonder what percentage of people can be called “successful” in that sense.
 They are athletically gifted, they run fast, they can throw a ball far, and they are big. I envy such athletic people very much. In my case, when I was a child, my dream was to become a professional baseball player, and how great it would have been if I could have achieved that. I would have had all the attention of everyone, and I would have lived a life full of purpose. Unfortunately, that dream has faded into dust, and not all young people who aspire to be professional baseball players are able to pursue that path.
 How nice it would have been to be rich. I would not have had to worry about the end-of-month payment every month, and I would not have had to endure so many things because of debt. He would have been able to see a different world, and he would have been able to live a more comfortable life. Thanks to you, I have been able to live a comfortable life, but as I get older and think about my near future toward old age, I can’t seem to settle down.

 The situation may be far removed from the life I vaguely dreamed of when I was young. For example, I sometimes regret that I should have read more books, or wonder why I didn’t work harder at that time. I tend to be paranoid and think, “If I had done that, maybe the world would have opened up to me differently,” etc. However, when I think about it in total, I feel as if things are turning out the way they are supposed to. I have not achieved any remarkable results, but I have lived my life to the best of my ability, and I think that my current situation is the best I can do. I have had my fair share of hardships, and I have no desire to go back to some point in my life and start over again. Rather, I feel that we have finally come this far.

 I think it is truly amazing that people are successful in the paths they are pursuing. Talent alone should not be enough to keep one’s grades high, hit many home runs, or make a fortune. Only they can understand the severity of their efforts and training, which cannot be seen from the outside. I am sure that some people find their struggle worth living for.
 However, it is presumptuous of me to say this, since I have not achieved anything, but just because one excels in a certain field does not mean that one should be complacent about it. It is because of the presence of others, because of the struggle between people, that a person’s life shines. You cannot live alone. If you think about it proportionally, the others to whom successful people are also indebted are a group of dropouts.

 Those who have lost their dreams, including myself, may have had it coming. Maybe they could only achieve that much because they could only accumulate that much effort. But what does that matter? The judgment that the successful are “GOOD” and the losers are “WRONG” is based on human values. I feel that the meaning of life lies somewhere else.
 It may sound like the howl of a loser. But at the very least, I believe that a society in which everyone naturally thinks, “Failure is nothing to be ashamed of,” is an “GOOD.

 With gratitude for today’s life


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