何ができるのか[What can we do?]

投稿者: | 2022-08-24







What can we do?

 Why am I allowed to live while Jesus was killed? Why am I allowed to live when God, who is in charge of everything, let a human being take the life of Jesus, his son, without a second thought? I believe there must be a meaning to this.

 I believe that everything that is happening on this earth, whether it is global warming, millions of people dying in the Corona, or Russia invading Ukraine, there must be a meaning that God is revealing to us.
 Perhaps the earth will eventually perish, no matter how wonderful our response is to the endless catastrophes and disasters that will continue to roll in. It may be only a matter of time, and there may be no way to stop it. Even if that were the case, I would accept it as God’s plan.

 However, the message I feel from God right now is to “take action” in the midst of all the problems, big and small, happening all over the world. God’s message is never, “Do nothing and let it flow. God has not given me, at least I don’t think He has given me life to sit back and watch.
 Action” does not mean that we can do something big. It would be nice if we could do something big, something that could bring together the opinions of many people and trigger a so-called movement, but that seems too far away from reality to me. When I think about “what I can do,” the first thing that comes to mind is “thinking. I include “thinking” in “action” and do not limit it to actual physical activity. I cannot guarantee that “good” thoughts will come to mind, and to be honest, I am not sure what “good” thoughts are, but I do not think it is possible to actually move my body without continuing to think.
 I try to input as much accurate information as possible about what is happening in the world today and events throughout history and think about them. If necessary, I will refer to the ideas of predecessors and researchers and think about them. I can almost hear people saying, “Just thinking about it won’t change the world,” but I would like to put into practice the contents and methods of action that will surely sprout in my mind as a result of such thinking. I think it is perfectly acceptable if it turns out to be a “modest” action.

 Another message from God is to live according to the Bible. The Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:39) and “Whatever you wish others to do to you, do also to them. (Matthew 7:12). I want to live my life with these words as the basis of my actions. When I am troubled between people, this teaching is the one that makes the most sense to me. It is not always good, but I want to be a person who can always treat people with love. It is a difficult thing to do, but it is my earnest wish.
 I still have no idea why I am alive. I may not even understand it when I die. But the miracle is that God let Jesus die so that I, who will live 2000 years from now, can “think” about the meaning of my life in this way. I want to believe that the heart that thinks of others will save the earth.

 The fact that I haven’t been able to do anything concrete is still frustrating.


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