憤怒の塊[a Lump of Rage]

投稿者: | 2023-01-03







a Lump of Rage

 When I hear the word “self-esteem,” it sounds rather good to me, but I think I have strong self-esteem, for better or worse. You might even say too strong. The dictionary says that self-esteem is “the feeling of being proud of oneself. It is also the feeling of trying to maintain one’s dignity and character. Pride.” In simple terms, self-esteem is what is commonly referred to as “pride. In other words, as a self-analysis, I think I am “a person with too much pride.

 Last night I had a dream for the first time in a long time. Perhaps it was because I was in a shallow sleep. A long time ago, a woman hurt my pride very badly, and in yesterday’s dream, the incident was replayed and appeared. The exact same scene and situation may not have been repeated, but the feelings that came up in my mind in response to it were the same as that time. It was the very same feeling of indignation, of being treated like a fool and feeling very frustrated. I woke up as if I had jumped out of my skin and, needless to say, I could not sleep for a while after that.
 At the same time, I was surprised by the sudden and intense feelings of anger that the dream had brought on. No matter how mad I was, it was already 40 years ago, and I was somewhat surprised to think that such an old memory could still keep me awake. What is going on with me as a person that I can no longer even remember the name of the first person I met yesterday? I can no longer deny that I am a mysterious creature that cannot be fully understood by reason.

 I analyze my weakness as being “vulnerable to having my pride hurt. Even though I consciously think I have forgotten about it, the anger I feel from being humiliated may be stored in the depths of my psyche, unspilled. I am horrified to think so. I may actually be a bundle of rage. When I see it suddenly appear in my New Year’s dreams, I feel that this piled-up anger does indeed exist.
 Looking back and thinking about it, there are many things that come to mind. I am often plagued by my own feelings of anger. Even in my day-to-day life, especially while driving, “anger” tries to direct my feelings in a direction I don’t like. Frankly, I don’t like me when I’m angry and I wouldn’t want to be angry if I could. But I guess that’s the real me, the one I can’t control.

 When I am awake, when I can use my rational mind, I still have a way to deal with my anger even when it rises. But when I am asleep or depressed, it is a little more difficult. It is during these difficult times that the true me comes out. I want to change the real me. I want to change the me that reason cannot reach. But at the moment, my answer to this question is that I cannot change my true self. I would like to continue to examine this.
 I think another key may lie in whether or not I can “give up trying to change who I really am. Now, I am looking forward to seeing how my thoughts will change again.

 Being angry and not being able to sleep sucks.


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