裸の心[Naked Heart]

投稿者: | 2023-01-14







Naked Heart

 Perhaps reason can be refined to any extent. A well-honed reason may be able to mask instinct to the point of being almost invisible. By training, one acquires superior knowledge and skills, and these become the stronger shield and contradiction of reason, pushing the person to a more valuable existence. I believe that success in society requires a certain amount of “luck,” but it may be basically a reward that comes to those who have undergone such rational training. For as long as I can remember, it was a matter of course to aim there first, and I think it is undeniable that people’s rationality supports the foundation of Japanese society.

 However, even if we have acquired knowledge and skills, in other words, even if we have upgraded the weapons and armor that fortify our surroundings, our true selves have not changed. It has only become more difficult to see from the outside. If one’s surroundings and environment improve without realizing that one has not changed, one may not be blamed for mistakenly believing that one has grown.
 If the power of reason is strengthened and we are able to succeed in society and feel happy in life, I have nothing to say. If everyone could do that and feel the meaning of life, that would be wonderful. The reality, however, is more chaotic, and many people, even those who are considered successful, are deeply troubled. The essence of naked adults without armor may not have changed much since childhood.

 I would like to believe in the possibility that depending on how we approach our instincts through reason, our true selves may change. I would like to think that the connection between soul and reason, or some kind of synergistic effect, will change my instincts, which I cannot control. Otherwise, I would lose hope. I feel that “change” is that difficult. I have a feeling that it is not something I can do on my own, but something miraculous is needed.
 In my personal opinion, I think that many people are living their lives by avoiding looking at their true wishes and feelings and giving too much priority to common sense and values of the world. They are living their lives by killing their true selves. Not so. As a result, each of us may have a discrete mind, but I think each of us needs to ask ourselves the question, “What is it that I am a human being who lives with what I consider important? Without that, the possibility of synergistic effects will be snatched away.

 Having written this far, I realize that I am sounding very enlightened and presumptuous today. I don’t mean it that way, but when I get passionate about something, I tend to be cocky. But please understand that I am honestly trying my best to write.
 I am only writing what I am thinking as of today. This content may suddenly change tomorrow. Even if that happens, I will not be afraid of change and will write my thoughts and feelings as best I can at the time. The truth is that I cannot write unless I am most honest with myself.

 Although it is a minute amount, I do feel the change in myself!


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