little by little
In my opinion, and this is just my personal opinion, I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t need help. Whether or not that person actually asks someone for help, I think everyone needs help, big or small. Those who are unable to give an SOS, mainly because of their pride, may think that “asking for help” is an embarrassing act. They are somehow dominated by such haughty ideas as “If I can’t do something without the help of others, I am not a full-fledged person,” or “There is nothing in the world that I can’t do on my own.
However, I think it is also a fact that the person is supported by such an egotistical illusion. If the person feels happy in such a state, it is not my place to say anything. The use of the words “haughty” and “egotistical” is only my personal impression.
I am writing today with a sense of self-discipline. I have a tendency to take on too much of everything myself and get trapped. This is exactly the type of person I can’t ask for help. And I am supported by my egotistical pride.
But I honestly don’t know how to ask for help. If I were accustomed to relying on others on a regular basis, I might know how to do so, but since I basically work alone most of the time, I tend to isolate myself. There are times when we feel the hassle of asking for help. I know that it would be easier for me if I could open up and ask others for help without being bothered, but how stubborn I am.
I also have a tendency to think that asking for help means that I am “losing. To depend on others means “I couldn’t get through it on my own. In other words, it is proof that I am still trapped in the illusion that I am all-powerful and can do anything. I cannot give up on myself. I say with my mouth that I am a useless person, but deep down inside I believe that I have the power to rule the world. He is too stupid for me to handle. In all likelihood, I need help.
In a real sense, it is proof that I am not in touch with my heart. At my core, I am indeed a stubborn, willful strongman. It is difficult for me to even stand in front of it on my own. But if I don’t work on that, I don’t think I can change anything. Admitting that I am a “bad person,” “egotistical,” “defeated,” etc., is a painful and difficult task. But the more you face it, the clearer you will feel about it.
I feel a gradual change in myself as I face my heart over and over again, but my prideful self quickly takes over again, as if nothing had happened. It’s tough. Lately, I have been saying “God, please help me! I have been praying in a “peer language”. I wonder if my polite nature has finally been brought down. But I think I should get used to talking honestly with everyone without being cool. Well, if it were that easy, I would have done it from the beginning.
And I’m not going to let my competitive streak get the better of me.