That’s right! We just need to stop being angry. Even if something is a bit irascible, no more, immediately and deliberately drown out your anger. Train yourself to do this naturally.
It’s okay to be angry. You probably can’t control your emotions in the moment. But if I can learn the skill to turn them off reflexively, I feel I can change a little again. I want to become a person who can approach others in a kinder way, instead of getting angry and speaking out of turn. Yes, we can stop being angry.
I don’t know if that is possible, but it seems worth a try. If I could do that, it might ease my long-standing problems. Anger is certainly one of the major energizers that keep me going, but it often leads to self-loathing. I hate myself when I am angry. I want to be a kind person to all people. If possible, I would like to live a life without anger.
I get angry easily, especially when I am tired or under pressure. I cannot pay attention to the people around me. That is not good. We want to have the strength to be considerate of those around us at all times.
Perhaps, if we do not get angry when we are angry, it may result in stress. That is very possible. I feel that if we keep putting up with things, we will eventually lose our mental balance and end up feeling depressed. It is generally accepted that regular venting is necessary.
However, I feel that there is a more sublime aspect to not getting angry that I feel I can benefit from. I feel as if I can approach a more joyful world that transcends the practical issues of stress and venting. I can’t express it well, but when I decided to not be angry, I felt like I felt a little better.
I feel the presence of a stubborn mass inside me that cannot be moved even by leverage. It is not something I can do anything about by myself. I also feel that anger always seems to come from it. It may be a mass of nature that I really can’t stand, but I still think I have to try to cut through it. If I don’t face myself deep down with love, I will never be able to change.
I’m an angry person.