人との距離感[Distance from People]

投稿者: | 2023-07-03







Distance from People

 I think I am not very good at creating one-on-one relationships. First of all, I have a tendency to put the other person into a specific category. There are many different ways to divide people: friends, seniors, juniors, colleagues, business partners, etc. But if I have them belong somewhere for my own convenience, it is easy for me to determine my attitude toward them. Otherwise, I cannot know how close I am to the other person.
 For example, when talking to a business partner, you need to be polite and humble to a certain extent, and even if he or she is clearly younger than you, you are not allowed to “talk to him or her as if he or she were a friend. Or, even if you are meeting someone for the first time, you will feel much more comfortable if you know that the person you are talking to is from the same high school club. It is a normal thing that everyone does, but I think that by passing through such a filter of “categorization,” I am able to check the distance between me and the other person, or rather, I naturally determine my own attitude. If I don’t, I feel uneasy.

 In many cases the categorization works, but I think in some cases it works badly for me. Especially when the person I am dealing with is someone junior to me, I sometimes take it for granted that he or she will follow my instructions, and when he or she does not, I get angry and become arrogant. This is my nature which is not very good.
 I often feel that I cannot tolerate people who are military-like, or at best, free-spirited, who do not follow the rules of discipline. Even in the military, such power harassment should not be tolerated. I think I am somewhat mistaken.

 I often think of and treat people below me as if they are my property. I think I have always had this attitude toward my younger sisters and brothers since I was a child. I was a terrible older brother. I was always afraid of my father, who was an absolute being, and I was always obedient to him, so it was only natural that I forced my younger sister and brother to be subservient to me. I guess the senses I had then are still the basis of who I am today.

 Without such categorization, I cannot talk well with others. I think that relying on categorization is proof that I am not independent. I am afraid of conversations between flesh-and-blood human beings without titles. I long for such “human-to-human” discussions and relationship building. I think it would be a wonderful dream come true if we could build a connection that transcends age, gender, status, etc., in a realm that could be called a “bond.
 A relationship that is not influenced by existing categories. It may be something that cannot be achieved by one’s own efforts alone. In any case, nothing can begin unless I establish a sense of independence without being deceived by what I see. What should I do to become independent? Each person has his or her own history, upbringing, and circumstances. I would like to pull them all together and explore the path to independence.

 I’m not very good at meeting new people!


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