肌で知っていること(その2)[What I know firsthand (Part 2)]

投稿者: | 2022-06-01







What I know firsthand (Part 2)

 After all, I am a thin-skinned person who only knows my surroundings. I have no interest in things far away. Even then, I am just a spoiled brat towards people abroad who don’t understand my country. I am all about myself and can’t think about things in so-called relative terms. It is inevitable that people from any country are not that interested in distant countries, and I can’t blame any of them. If a Japanese person made a film about Africa with only Japanese people and African people saw it, they would probably feel quite uncomfortable. In this sense, there is a limit to “tapping” into other cultures.

 I watched the movie “007 No Time to Die. It is the latest in a long series that has been running since before I was born, and I think it is a great movie series that is synonymous with action movies. The main character, James Bond, is a nihilistic English gentleman spy, the so-called ally of justice. He plays a major role on the world stage, turning international evil organizations against each other. I can’t help but notice the slightly unrealistic secret weapons hidden in his wristwatch, ballpoint pen, and car.
 James Bond is extremely popular with women. He is able to have relations with every beautiful woman he encounters, which is an undeniably enviable setting. This is the 25th film in the series, which has spanned 60 years, and I am sure that many different directors have been hired and many different people have worked on the scripts.

 Under such circumstances, James Bond’s “ways of attracting women” seem to have changed little by little. In the past, he was not obsessed with a woman with whom he had a relationship, not a “one-night stand,” but not a long-lasting one. In the last two films, however, his strong feelings for a woman play a central role in the story. Perhaps it is a reflection of the times, but spiritual elements such as “heart” and “love” have come to enter the story. You know, 007. Change is change.
 And finally, at the end of this film, he is willing to give his life for love. Except for the all-too-familiar theme song, it was almost impossible to detect 007’s unique scent in this film anymore. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. However, I still feel a little sad.

 I had noticed that the director’s name was Japanese-American-like at the opening of the film. As I was watching the film, forgetting about that, an item appeared in the film that I, as a Japanese, thought was extremely Japanese. I thought that only someone who knew how to use that thing would be able to use it, and that it had a very Japanese sense of style. At that moment, I immediately recalled the director’s name.
 In this 007 series, as was the case with “007 Dies Twice” produced in 1967, when “Japan” is used in a film, it seems that the film was made after researching about Japan so that it would not be strange for Japanese viewers. I am really happy to see such an attitude. It may be true that there is no need to force Asian facts into a film made to be shown to Westerners. However, when I feel that “Japan” was taken into consideration, I am honestly happy.
 This time, I realized that my love for my own country was so strong that I had lost sight of the surroundings. From now on, I will not be discouraged when I see similar scenes, but will view them with a positive attitude. However, as a movie fan, I would like to request that if you are going to use something Japanese in the direction of the film, you should definitely use a Japanese staff member, even if he/she does not hold a key position in the film.

 I guess I am Japanese after all!


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