心の中で生きる[Living in the Hearts of Others]

投稿者: | 2023-03-31







Living in the Hearts of Others

 You can’t win over dead people. You can no longer meet someone who has died. In other words, there will be no more memories of that person. After death, when the grief fades and I am aware of this fact, I think a kind of nostalgic effect takes place in me. Good memories of those who were close to me are beautified and become even better memories. I feel that the fact that I can no longer see them has the effect of increasing the value of the past.

 So we can never catch up with someone who has died. Years have passed, and now I may have surpassed his accomplishments. But every time I remember him, his presence is beautified, and he is further away from me every day, beyond my reach. I cannot catch up with him forever. In a way, he has attained the highest status in my mind by dying.

 In other words, he continues to live on in my heart. I think again that there is such a “way of life” or should I say such a “way of death”.
 He was a person far removed from the concept of perfection. He drank more alcohol than he should have, was always short of words and poor at expressing his intentions, and had low self-esteem. He was not the type of senior who could be a good role model as a member of society.
 But now he tells me that it doesn’t matter. He tells me that it is more important to have the warmth of a heart that cares for others, or the spirit of being able to sacrifice oneself for the sake of one’s fellow man, and that being able to do such things is what makes one live more vividly in the hearts of others.

 I don’t know if my living in the hearts of others will make me happy after I die. When I die, it is “the end,” like a light switch going off, and there really may be no afterlife or anything else. However, it is too late to think about it after death, and I would like to live my life from now on, keeping in mind that he lived in such a way, even if I do not aim for that place.
 I doubt very much if it will lead to my posthumous happiness, but at least he is definitely alive in my heart. I think this is a wonderful thing. Somewhere up there, I’m sure he feels the same way.

 It’s been 12 years already. ……


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