祈りの変化[Prayer Change]

投稿者: | 2024-01-09







Prayer Change

 ’Has your life changed in any way since becoming a Christian?’ I was asked. My life itself hasn’t really changed. Nothing really, except for the addition of going to church every Sunday. I had been going to church again for a long time since before my baptism, so practically nothing has changed. I pray when I wake up in the morning, and I always say the Lord’s Prayer before every meal. These routines are things that I have always done for about four or five years, and I did not start them just because I became a Christian.
 I guess that now that I have been baptized, my life of faith will officially begin, and I may be adding to it as I learn more, but for me, my “prayer life” was already underway. At this point, I don’t see anything that I need to rush to start or change in my life. It may sound cocky, but I was not baptized with such a half-hearted attitude. I requested the baptismal ceremony with the intention of being spiritually and to some extent conventionally prepared.

 However, the content of my prayers has changed. I think I used to feel lost in my prayers. I had to search for my own feelings, or rather, I had to remove my vanity and pretense, and first of all, I had to pull out my true wish that had sunk deep down into my consciousness. This was a difficult and arduous task, and I always seemed to spend a lot of time on it. There were times when I realized the ugliness of my own heart and stopped, discouraged. I guess you could say it was a self-centered way of thinking and praying.

 Compared to that, I guess you could say that now, in a way, it’s easier. What God wants from me has become far more important to me than what I think about myself. I feel like I can access God as soon as I enter into prayer. I can say that my prayer has become simpler, or that God’s presence has become closer, and I am able to put myself second or third.
 I have my own speed, and I think it is better if I go up one step at a time slowly and firmly. One of the changes since my baptism may be that I am able to forget about comparing myself with others and immerse myself in my relationship with God.

 I think I have come to be able to give up on myself. Until now, when I failed in something, I would say to myself, “I’m a failure no matter what I do,” but inwardly, I would be looking for a chance to make up for it. I think it was the logic of “escape,” a way of trying to get me to give up on myself by saying that I was “not good enough. I was a stubborn person, and I was running away from improving myself and developing my abilities. And yet, stubborn as I was, I blindly believed in my own abilities and truly believed that I could do anything if I put my mind to it.
 Through my study of the Bible and the events and experiences that have happened to me over the past five or six years, I have come to realize the greatness of God. Little by little, I have come to realize how small my world is, which I had lived my whole life thinking it was everything. And how small I am. How moving it is to break out of my shell and connect with God. To believe in God is to graduate from believing in myself.

 I’m glad I got baptized.


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