誠実に生きる[Live with Integrity]

投稿者: | 2023-11-28







Live with Integrity

 There was a meeting the other day and I was a parking attendant before it started. With a loud voice and gesture, I said, “All right! All right!” and guiding the cars coming in one after another. Being able to speak out loud really helps in times like this.
 I have been playing baseball since I was a small child. As a catcher, I always encouraged my teammates with my loud voice. I am deeply moved to think that what I was working so hard on at the time has come in handy decades later as a parking lot attendant. It may be overstating things like “fate,” but it seems to me that a lot of things are connected to the present these days.

 I used to think that I could not become a Christian without going through a period of “despair. I had no doubt that true faith would not come to me until I had experienced something that made me despair of myself or of life and almost lose the meaning of life. So, in a way, I was waiting for despair.
 But I guess it is not necessarily true that one should not be baptized without despair. Each person’s path to faith is good, and the process of becoming a Christian cannot be limited to one way. It is obvious, but I could not realize that for a long time.

 I think we can only live each day and each moment to the fullest, just as what we worked so hard for when we were little leads us to this day. And I think that is all we can do. We can do it in our own way, and we can work on what is in front of us with all our heart and soul. The rest is up to God. Is this way of thinking naïve?
 I don’t think it is easy to live a life of sincerity at all. Every day is a fierce struggle against our own desires. It is not possible to be completely sincere 24 hours a day, but I think it is worth trying as hard as I can. At least I am clear that God does not want me to live as I desire.

 I write frequently on this blog about the importance of “living with integrity. If you wonder why I insist on the same thing over and over again on a daily basis, it is because I am not confident or able to actually do it. In other words, I write to encourage myself. I think it is that hard to “live each day with sincerity. But I feel that this is the most important thing and what I want to do.
 I know best that I am clumsy. I don’t want to be greedy, but first of all, I want to work hard on what is most required of me, and aim to achieve results that I can be satisfied with to some extent. I will move forward one by one.

 Everything is connected, I feel.


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