二つのモットー[Two Mottos]

投稿者: | 2023-11-16







Two Mottos

 It feels good when I feel I have been able to act independently in my various relationships. It is a refreshing feeling. It is good to be close with friends and work colleagues. The presence of others with whom we are at ease gives us courage and peace of mind. However, if the relationship becomes “familiar,” it is a different story. Too much dependence and too much reliance on others may not be good for either oneself or the other party.
 I must be careful in my expression, but I am not saying that being good friends is bad. I am not saying that I do not want friends. It is difficult to know where to draw the line of “independence” in friendships, but I would say it is a kind of mutual respect, where we recognize each other but do not become “attached” to each other as different individuals. A relationship in which we can openly exchange opinions, even if they are diametrically opposed to our own beliefs, while maintaining a firm hold on our own convictions. It is always difficult to put my subtle feelings into words. I wonder if they can be conveyed.

 Since we all have feelings, I believe that emotions also play a role to some extent when interacting with others. Even if we don’t have strong feelings of like or dislike, we all probably have vague impressions of others. It is possible to have a feeling of “I don’t like this kind of person. Regardless of my feelings, I want to maintain the same attitude that I always have toward everyone. If you change your attitude depending on the person you are dealing with, you are far from being “self-reliant.
 In the severe business world, where you are always on the lookout for the other party’s attitude and color, there may be a game of bargaining to gain the upper hand in negotiations. I wonder if the same is true in the international diplomatic arena. I don’t know about such a harsh world. So I can only imagine, but I think it is precisely in such situations that a resolute and independent attitude is required.

 A Christian organization with which I have a little relationship has two mottos: “Friendship in the Lord” and “Free and independent, besides Jesus Christ. I feel that these two ideas/spirits give us a clue to answer the question, “What is ‘self-reliance’ in the true sense of the word? When I first heard these words, I felt a shock like an electric shock in my body.
 Whenever I feel lost within myself, when I feel like losing my way, or when I feel stuck in relationships with others, I turn to the Lord. If I can feel and think about others through the Lord, I feel as if I can meet my true friends. There seems to be no room for my feelings.

 I believe that life is solitary. You can never fully understand another person. It is impossible to share all the details of our feelings with someone else. But through Jesus, I feel like I can connect with others. I think we can feel each other’s feelings for Jesus.
 My own “independence” is one of my goals. I feel that this can be achieved by deepening and deepening my relationship with Jesus.

 If I let my emotions get the better of me, I will lose sight of what is important.


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